Cookies lemon. These Lemon Cookies are super soft and bursting with lemon flavor. These cookies are incredibly easy to make and the perfect treat for anyone who loves lemon desserts! These lemon cookies are our new favorite treat! Cookies lemon

You can cook Cookies lemon using 17 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Cookies lemon
  1. You need of Bahan 1.
  2. You need 1 sdt of parutan kulit lemon (+/- 2bh lemon import).
  3. Prepare 120 gr of gula pasir (blender bersama kulit lemon sampe halus).
  4. It’s of Bahan 2.
  5. Prepare 30 gr of butter (holman).
  6. You need 170 gr of margarin (blueband).
  7. It’s 2 bh of kuning telur.
  8. You need 1/4 sdt of vanili.
  9. You need 1 sdm of perasan jeruk lemon.
  10. It’s of Bahan 3.
  11. Prepare 380 gr of T.terigu pro.rendah.
  12. Prepare 1 sdm of T.maizena.
  13. Prepare 1/4 sdt of garam.
  14. Prepare of Topping.
  15. It’s of Coklat dcc lelehkan.
  16. It’s of Coklat lemon lelehkan.
  17. You need of Springkle.

These lemon crinkle crinkle cookies are the perfect dessert in the summer, but they also make the perfect holiday cookie in the winter. If it's lemon, it's all mine. Soft and Chewy Lemon Cookies are a crowd favorite cookie that you can make anytime of the year. These lemon sugar cookies are thick and chewy and easy to freeze.

Cookies lemon step by step
  1. Campur bahan 1 dan bahan 2 sampe mengembang/putih creamy.mixer sekitar 2-3 menit dgn kecepatan tinggi..

  2. Campur bahan 3 ayak masukan ke adonan,lalu aduk pelan tidak kasar jg y sampe rata.kali bisa pakai spatula dulu y..Krn adonan kaya gini lebih cepat kering bila terlalu lama kena suhu tubuh kita..

  3. Lalu ambil adonan secukupnya pipihkan bentuk sesuai selera diatas loyang yg sudah dialasi kertas anti lengket..tutup kain serbet lalu simpan di kulkas sampai selesai mencetak. Tujuannya spy lebih renyah z y.g jg gpp..๐Ÿ˜.

  4. Panaskan oven kira"10menit dlm suhu 150ยฐ..panggang berurutan sekitar 25mnt sampai bawahnya sedikit kecoklatan..atau sesuai kan dgn oven masing" y…

  5. Tunggu sampe uapnya panas nya berkurang.hias sesuai selera..

  6. Tunggu sampai coklat kering dan cookies dingin y..baru masukan toples.hasilnya dpt 2 toples 500gr y.. Siap disajikan..selamat mencoba ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘.

I may be a chocoholic but these cookies got me from the first bite. It was from the first bite of cookie dough because after one taste, I was hooked! I may have a slight obsession with anything raspberry and anything lemon! The cookie themselves have a slight lemony taste while. Love the sweet tartness of lemon cookies?