Churos with choco drip. This is a fairly traditional Spanish recipe for chocolate con churros. The churros are fritters and they are served with an intense chocolate sauce meant for dipping. This recipe is from Penelope Casas, who contributes recipes to many fine cooking publications. Churos with choco drip

You can cook Churos with choco drip using 11 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Churos with choco drip
  1. It’s 80 gram of margarine.
  2. You need 250 of air /susu.
  3. It’s 1/2 sdt of garam.
  4. It’s 3 sdm of gula pasir.
  5. Prepare 150 gram of terigu (tunggu air mendidih).
  6. Prepare 2 butir of telor (tunggu adonan dingin).
  7. You need of Toping choco drip:.
  8. You need 50 gram of dcc.
  9. It’s 1 bks of chocolatos drink.
  10. Prepare 100 ml of air.
  11. You need of Tepung gula + kayu manis bubuk.

Serve immediately with the chocolate dip. Learn this churros recipe from scratch to enjoy a traditional Mexican sweet when you want. Melt the couverture in a bain marie. Bring the cream to the boil and add to the melted chocolate.

Churos with choco drip step by step
  1. Masukkan bahan semua dalam 1 panci anti lengket dan masak sampai mendidih, set api paling kecil lalu masukkan terigu sambil aduk rata.

  2. Saya pindahkan baskom untuk mencampurnya dengan telor supaya mudah, tunggu setelah adonan hangat/ suhu ruang.

  3. Masukkan adonan ke plastik pertama lalu plastik ke 2 ujung diberi spuit..

  4. Panaskan minyak dengan api sedang. Tekan dan potong pakai gunting langsung diatas minyak panas. Goreng sampai matang..

  5. Untuk toping panaskan air dan chocolatos, masukkan dcc masak sampai mendidih. Cincang dulu coklat dcc supaya mudah meleleh..

  6. Boleh juga tabur gula dan kayu manis untuk rasa asli churos. Kali ini saya kehabisan tepung gula jadi pakai bubuk kayu manis saja..

Leave to cool slightly and then stir in. Churros is heaven on a plate served with Chocolate dipping sauce. Even though I posted last week, I consider this my official comeback into the blogging world. I've really missed it so much and what better way to make said comeback than with Churros. These Churro Sticks are baked, so they are much lighter version than classic churros I served them with warm chocolate dipping sauce made with dark chocolate and heavy cream.