Meringue Cookies Unicorn. What is an easy meringue cookie recipe. My meringue cookie recipe is super easy. The key to a perfect meringue cookie recipe isn't in the ingredients, it's in the baking (if you can call it that), it's more like a dehydration process. Meringue Cookies Unicorn

You can cook Meringue Cookies Unicorn using 4 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Meringue Cookies Unicorn
  1. It’s 50 gr of Putih Telur.
  2. Prepare 100 gr of Gula Halus.
  3. It’s 1 sdt of Vanila.
  4. You need Secukupnya of Pewarna Makanan (kuning, ungu, pink,biru, hijau).

Not only am I a sucker for the way these taste, but I also just happen to the love bright colors as well. Some people may think that unicorn food is too pretty to eat… I'm not one of them. If you're looking for a low-calorie, sweet treat, meringue cookies are just the ticket. This post may contain affiliate links, read our Disclosure Policy for more information.

Meringue Cookies Unicorn instructions
  1. Siapkan bahan yang diperlukan. Campur putih telur&gula halus, kocok dgn hand whisk hingga merata. Kemudian agar gula dipastikan sudah tercampur rata, kita gunakan panci yang berisi air mendidih untuk membantu proses tercampurnya gula..

  2. Aduk adonan diatas panci yang berisi air mendidih. Cek adonan dengan kita raba. Hasil yang benar adalah jika saat diraba, kita tidak merasakan serpihan gula..

  3. Kocok dgn mixer kec. 1 tingkat di bwh max selama 8-10mnt hingga firm peaks [stlh medium peaks, ujung putih telur lebih kaku, jgn lebih dr 10mnt/overbeaten krn akan pecah & mencair] cirinya saat dibalik adonan tidak tumpah.

  4. Pisahkan adonan meringue cookies sedikit, beri masing2 warna, masukkan dlm piping bag. Sisihkan juga warna hijau untuk daun. ambil plastik wrab, kemudian tata adonan meringue pada tiap warna diatas palstik wrab. Gulung pada kedua sisi..

  5. Masukan dalam pipa bag, yg sdh terpasang spuit mawar di bawahnya. Bentuk bunga rose, jika tdk punya paku mawar bisa gunakan bawah botol kecil & kertas roti dipotong kecil. Gunakan pula adonan hijau untuk motif daun..

  6. Panaskan oven terlebih dahulu selama 120 derajat selama 20 menit. Jika sudah, Panggang di oven 100c api atas&bwh, selama 75menit. Jika sudah angkat dan sajikan..

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases, thank you! These magical unicorn poop meringue cookies are hilarious and so cute! They would be perfect for a birthday party or just for a joke! It's a widely accepted fact that unicorns fart rainbows and glitter. I fully realize that this is a pretty bold statement to make, but it's backed up by loads of writings on the internet, so it must be true.