Burnt CheeseCake
Rebake from : Rickeindriani_ordinarykitchen. Ordinary woman behind my "Ordinary Kitchen" Rebake 육쪽마늘빵. ~ Soft Cheese ~. Lihat juga resep Burnt CheeseCake Rebake from : Rickeindriani_ordinarykitchen enak lainnya! Just My Ordinary Kitchen.: Triple chocolate mousse cake.
You can have Burnt CheeseCake Rebake from : Rickeindriani_ordinarykitchen using 9 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you cook it.
Ingredients of Burnt CheeseCake
Rebake from : Rickeindriani_ordinarykitchen
- It’s 1 kg of Creamcheese (sy merk Anchor).
- You need 300 gr of gula pasir halus/Castor (sy gula pasir).
- Prepare 1/2 sdt of garam.
- It’s 1 sdt of vanilla.
- Prepare 2 Sdm of air lemon (Optional).
- It’s of Parutan kulit lemon dr 1 buah lemon (Optional).
- You need 6 btr of telur uk besar.
- Prepare 500 ml of whipping cream cair (sy merk anchor).
- You need 30 gr of tepung terigu sedang (sy segitiga biru), diayak.
View and download images/videos about rickeindriani_ordinarykitchen (@rickeindriani_ordinarykitchen) anonymously Lihat juga resep Kue Talam Ubi Merah Ricke Indriani enak lainnya. This "burnt" Basque cheesecake is one of the rare trendy recipes that I'm actually posting while it's still trendy. By cooking the cheesecake in a very hot oven, we get a beautiful, dark exterior, which not only looks great, but the bittersweet notes it provides makes the.
Burnt CheeseCake
Rebake from : Rickeindriani_ordinarykitchen step by step
Panaskan Oven 200 C.
Siapkan Loyang bongkar pasang/bulat, sy yg bongkar psng uk 18 cm, bulat 22 cm. Olesi dengan margarin,alasi dengan kertas roti.Lebihkan dr bibir loyang sekitar 6-8 cm. Adonan akan sangat cair dan akan naik kmdn akan trn kembali setelah adonan dingin.sisihkan.
Kocok creamcheese, gula pasir, garam dan vanilla sampai lembut dan creamy.Masukkan air lemon dan parutan kulit lemon, kocok rata..
Masukkan telur satu per satu sampai telur habis dan sambil di kocok rata.
Masukkan whipping cream, kocok rata..
Masukkan tepung terigu yang sudah dia ayak dan kocok sampai rata. Adonan akhir akan cair/encer..
Tuang ke loyang dan panggang dalam oven yang sudah dipanaskan selama 1 jam hingga permukaan gosong kehitaman. Bagian pinggir sudah set, tapi bagian tengah akan agak bergoyang bila loyang kita goyangkan. Angkat, jgn overbaked.
Setelah didinginkan suhu ruangan, masukkan dlm kulkas selama 4-6 jam. Keluarkan dari loyang dan silahkan dinikmati 😁.
It doesn't need much time to cool and it doesn't matter if the surface cracks and gets browned. Learn how to easily make soft fluffy Japanese cheesecake using a rice cooker. This rice cooker Japanese cheesecake is really light yet decadent at the same time. All the tips you need to know and also a video recipe for your reference. The legend says that he was burnt at the stake.