Mock-Chicken Tenders with Firm Tofu. Heat oil in frying pan, preferably a non-stick skillet. Turn off the heat and add the remaining ingredients. Drain tofu and press in paper towels to remove excess water. Mock-Chicken Tenders with Firm Tofu

You can have Mock-Chicken Tenders with Firm Tofu using 6 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Mock-Chicken Tenders with Firm Tofu
  1. It’s 1 block of Firm tofu.
  2. Prepare 2 tsp of Vegetable oil.
  3. It’s 1 tbsp of Mirin.
  4. It’s 1 tbsp of Soy sauce.
  5. You need 1 tsp of Sesame seeds.
  6. It’s 1 tsp of Sesame oil.

When the tofu freezes, its water turns to ice crystals, which create. Firm Tofu is a component and food added by Pam's HarvestCraft. It is used to create various food items in place of meat, such as the Chicken Sandwich and the Loaded Baked Potato. Using Firm Tofu is place of meat can be disabled in the mod's configuration file.

Mock-Chicken Tenders with Firm Tofu instructions
  1. Add the vegetable oil to a non-stick frying pan. Before you turn on the heat, crumble the tofu with your hands and add it to the pan..

  2. Heat the frying pan from Step 1. Cook over medium heat until you start to hear a crackling sound. Then, reduce the heat a bit and continue to cook. Don't move the tofu while it's cooking..

  3. Shake the pan once in a while. Check the bottom of the tofu, and when it's browned, flip with a spatula and then let the tofu cook again without moving it..

  4. When the tofu is browned on all sides, stir everything around like you're stir-frying it. It will become crumbly..

  5. Turn the heat up a bit and add the mirin and soy sauce and let the flavors coat the tofu..

  6. Season with sesame seeds and sesame oil and it's ready..

Extra-firm tofu: Consider extra-firm tofu the all-purpose tofu that holds its shape well and is excellent for slicing and cubing. No matter what variety you're working with, tofu contains a fair amount of liquid, and it's helpful to remove as much as possible before cooking. This is a great substitute for any recipe which calls for cooked, diced, or chopped Chicken meat. Freezing tofu gives it a meat-like texture. The tofu pieces taste best coated with some kind of sauce.