Rainbow Cloud Bread. How To Make TikTok CLOUD BREAD This bread tastes like a mixture of cotton candy and angel food cake. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Rainbow Cloud Bread

You can cook Rainbow Cloud Bread using 5 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Rainbow Cloud Bread
  1. Prepare 2 butir of putih telor.
  2. It’s 2 sdm of gula pasir.
  3. Prepare 1 sdt of vanili bubuk.
  4. It’s 1 sdm of maizena.
  5. You need of Pewarna makanan merah, biru (opsional).

The White Plate From The Blog. Cloud Bread Rainbow Cloud White Plates Good Ole Bread Recipes Watermelon Goodies Clouds Fruit. news. Rainbow cloud bread is the latest trend going viral and it's so fluffy and magical. And it only has three ingredients!

Rainbow Cloud Bread instructions
  1. Kocok putih telor dalam wadah bersih dengan speed rendah sampai berbusa, lalu tambahkan gula pasir, kocok lagi dengan speed sedang ke tinggi sampai kental dan kaku..

  2. Turunkan speed lalu masukkan tepung maizena dan vanili, kocok sampai tercampur rata..

  3. Panaskan oven suhu 150⁰. Siapkan loyang lebar yg sudah dialasi baking paper. Bagi adonan menjadi 3, beri pewarna merah dan biru, yg 1 dibiarkan putih, aduk rata..

  4. Taruh adonan diatas loyang, saya bikin jadi 2 roti. Yg 1 putih saja, yg 1 berwarna. Untuk yg warna, letakkan adonan biru diatas loyang, lalu tumpuk dengan putih, terakhir yg merah. Lalu rapikan bentuk roti seperti setengah lingkaran..

  5. Panggang roti dalam oven sekitar 30 menit sampai berwarna kecoklatan. Sesuaikan oven masing² ya moms…

  6. Setelah matang keluarkan dari oven dan tunggu dingin. Maafkan roti saya yg agak overbaked karena terlalu dekat ke api atas, jd agak² eksotis deh warnanya.. 😁.

Whether folks go savory with a sprinkling of salt, garlic and Parmesan, or fantastical with rainbow sprinkles, the cloud bread will undoubtedly liven up your feed (or your table). Rainbow star cloud baby mobile cloud mobile. Cloud bread is soft and fluffy - like a cloud! It's a great substitute for 'regular' bread and is low in carbs. Although it's not firm enough to replace bread in a regular sandwich, I like to top one 'slice' with.