Shakshouka Rice Bowl. Add chilis including juice and cook until soft. Chakchouka (also called shakshouka) is a Tunisian and Israeli dish of tomatoes, onions, pepper, spices, and eggs. It's usually eaten for breakfast or lunch, but I think it's tasty anytime. Shakshouka Rice Bowl

You can cook Shakshouka Rice Bowl using 25 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Shakshouka Rice Bowl
  1. Prepare 2-3 butir of telur.
  2. You need 1 mangkok of nasi.
  3. Prepare 1/2 buah of bawang bombay,iris tipis.
  4. Prepare 2 butir of bawang merah,iris tipis.
  5. It’s 1 siung of bawang putih,iris tipis.
  6. It’s 1 buah of tomat merah/paprika merah,potong dadu.
  7. Prepare 1/4 sdt of jintan bubuk(tambahan sy).
  8. Prepare 3 buah of buncis,iris tipis.
  9. It’s Secukupnya of saos tomat.
  10. You need Secukupnya of saos sambal.
  11. Prepare Secukupnya of daun seledri.
  12. You need Secukupnya of daun bawang.
  13. Prepare Secukupnya of garam.
  14. It’s Secukupnya of kaldu bubuk.
  15. It’s 1-2 sdm of margarin untuk menumis.
  16. It’s secukupnya of Air bersih.
  17. It’s of Taburan.
  18. You need of Keju cheddar parut,wijen sangrai.
  19. It’s of Peralatan jika untuk bakulan*.
  20. Prepare of Cup/mangkok food grade.
  21. Prepare Sendok of garpu plastik.
  22. Prepare Tusuk of gigi.
  23. You need of Tissu makan.
  24. You need Plastik of klip.
  25. It’s of Selotip.

As I said, crusty bread is traditional or challah or pita, but I just like a spoon! If you don't have a CRS Rice Bowl program in your own parish, click here to find out how to donate. Photo by Lauren Carroll/Catholic Relief Services A simple meal from @CRSRiceBowl for #MeatlessFriday: Shakshouka from Gaza The best baked eggs in the world - Shakshuka! A Middle Eastern and North African dish traditionally served up for breakfast or lunch, this can be made entirely on the stove or finished in the oven.

Shakshouka Rice Bowl instructions
  1. Siapkan semua bahan.

  2. Cuci bersih sayuran,lalu potong2,sisihkan,dan siapkan juga mangkuk, kocok lepas telur,beri garam dan lada bubuk.

  3. Siapkan pan,panaskan 2 sdm margarin,tumis bawang merah,bawang putih dan bawang bombay hingga setengah layu,masukkan juga irisan tomat merah,masak hingga harum.

  4. Setelah bumbu iris harum, masukkan saos tomat,lalu bentuk lingkaran di tengah teflon,tuang telur yang sudah dikocok,beri garam,lada bubuk dan kaldu bubuk,koreksi rasa,taburi atasnya dengan daun seledri, daun bawang lalu tutup,beri sedikit air dipinggiran teflon,agar bawang tidak gosong,masak dengan api kecil.

  5. Apabila bagian atasnya sudah mengering, Shakshouka,sudah matang, Penyajian; ambil mangkuk/cup yang food grade,isi nasi putih,shakshouka,dan beri parutan keju,terakhir taburi wijen,siap sajikan.

Divide the remaining ingredients among the four bowls, or in any amount that you desire. Enjoy immediately or refrigerate until ready to eat. Notes *Make Homemade Hummus to save the most $$$ This recipe works great for meal prep! I'd eat the meal prepped bowls cold rather than. Though it's North African in origin, these days shakshuka is popular throughout the Middle East (particularly in Israel, where it may as well be one of the national dishes) and in hip neighborhood diners all over the coastal US.