Risotto Bolognese. Two of our favourite go-to dishes, bolognese and risotto, have been combined to make a cheesy, rich and comforting bolognese risotto bake. We've used a good dash of Lea & Perrins Worcestershire sauce too, for bags of flavour. This is to keep your family safe. Risotto Bolognese

You can cook Risotto Bolognese using 16 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Risotto Bolognese
  1. You need 250 gram of Nasi.
  2. You need 1 buah of Bawang Bombay.
  3. It’s 4 siung of Bawang Putih.
  4. Prepare 2 lembar of Daging Asap / Beef.
  5. Prepare 100 gram of Daging ayam fillet.
  6. It’s 1 buah of Wortel.
  7. You need 150 ml of Susu UHT.
  8. It’s 2 butir of Telur.
  9. You need secukupnya of Minyak Goreng.
  10. You need 1 sendok teh of Garam.
  11. It’s 1/2 sendok teh of Gula.
  12. You need 1/2 sendok teh of Merica.
  13. Prepare 1/2 sendok teh of Pala bubuk.
  14. It’s 2 buah of Sosis.
  15. You need 4 sendok makan of Saus bolognese.
  16. You need 2 sendok makan of Saus sambal.

Add diced tomatoes and their juices, sausage crumbles, tomato paste and bay leaf. For the Bolognese: In a saute pan, add the olive oil and the chopped garlic. Let the garlic saute for a few minutes until it turns lightly golden and add the ground meat. Saute the meat by braking it up with a wooden spoon.

Risotto Bolognese instructions
  1. Campur telur, susu kocok rata, sisihkan.

  2. Tumis bawang putih higga harum, masukkan 1/2 butir bawang bombay saja, tumis hingga layu..

  3. Tambahkan wortel, daging asap & ayam, aduk-aduk hingga wortel & ayam matang..

  4. Tambahkan garam, lada & pala bubuk, aduk rata. Matikan api, biarkan hangat.

  5. Tuang adonan daging asap ke dlm campuran telur & susu, aduk rata.

  6. Untuk saus nya : tumis 1/2 butir bawang bombay higga layu, masukkan sosis, tumis hingga matang Tambahkan saus bolognaise & saus sambal, masak hingga saus meletup-letup. angkat, sisihkan..

  7. Penyelesaian : Tuang adonan daging asap & susu tadi ke dlm nasi. Masukkan dlm aluminium foil hingga adonan habis (kurleb 4 aluminium foil). Beri saus bolognaise diatasnya. Taburi dg keju mozarella..

  8. Oven dalam suhu 180’C selama kurleb 15-20 menit. Angkat, sajikan selagi hangat.

If you love bolognese and risotto, then you should try this baked beef bolognese recipe with risotto. Risotto Bolognese Yet another dish that combines two of my favourite Italian meals, Nigella's risotto bolognese is one of the most delicious meals I've made. It was so tasty and satisfying but being rice-based instead of pasta-based, it wasn't too heavy (unless of course you had two serves which I wouldn't blame you). Creamy risotto cooked in a flavorful bolognese sauce is a hearty meal that's quick and easy to make in the pressure cooker. It's comfort food at it's best.